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ArbDB News
ArbDB Chambers Member, Wolf Von Kumberg, Co-presenting A Webinar On Mediation In Investor-state Disputes
6 February 2018
ArbDB Chambers Member, Wolf von Kumberg, is a panellist on a webinar, hosted by ICSID, on mediation in investor-state disputes. The webinar is led by Frauke Nitschke, Senior Counsel at ICSID and Wolf’s fellow panellist is Carlos Jose Valderrama, Counsel at Sidley Austin LLP and formerly president of Peru’s inter-agency commission representing the country in international investment disputes.
The webinar is taking place from 1000 to 1130 US EST time (1500 to 1630 UK time) on Tuesday 27 February 2018; registration, which is necessary, is at and the event is free of charge.
Any questions for the panel may be submitted to
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