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ArbDB Chambers - Complaints and Feedback Policy 

We aim to provide a high level of professional service.

In the unlikely event that a client has a need to complain about the services provided, please write to Martin Poulter, Chambers’ Clerk, whose email contact details are Martin will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 48 hours.

Your complaint will be investigated by the Chair, Tony Marks, or one of the Directors of ArbDB Chambers. We will endeavour to give you a written response, following our investigation, within 21 days of acknowledging receipt of the complaint.

Members of ArbDB Chambers are independent professionals, who join together as ArbDB Chambers to provide services to clients through ArbDB Limited, trading as ArbDB Chambers. Our Members belong to a range of professional bodies (as will be seen from the CVs on our website). You may also be able to complain to one of those professional bodies as appropriate.

We also welcome feedback, again to Martin, on any aspect of the services which our members

May 2021

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