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ArbDB News

ArbDB Members, Paul Rose, John Wright And Wolf Von Kumberg, Judge And Arbitrate At The Vis East Moot In Hong Kong

17 March 2016


ArbDB Members, Paul Rose, John Wright and Wolf von Kumberg, acted as judges and arbitrators at the 13th Vis East Moot in Hong Kong. This international student arbitration competition pitched 115 teams from universities and law schools from 31 countries around the world against each other. The oral arguments were held from 6-13 March 2016. Paul Rose acted as a judge and arbitrator in the Pan-Asian Semi Final and the prestigious Quarter Final.

The winners of the Grand Final were the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who beat the Singapore Management University. 

Paul Rose commented:

‘We, in our Chambers, were delighted to be able to support and contribute to the 13th Vis East Moot and to meet again so many friends and colleagues in Hong Kong.’

Wolf then went on to Singapore where he as a director of IMI participated in the first Global Pound Conference, discussing the role of ADR as a means of promoting access to justice. 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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