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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Members Michael Cover And John Wright Are Speaking At The KLRCA On Wednesday 15th November 2017 On The Subject Of Dispute Boards, Conflict Avoidance Panels And Hybrid Dispute Resolution Processes

26 October 2017

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This Evening Seminar at the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration will look at and define the existing models and then look at Dispute Boards, now a familiar feature of major projects funded by the Multilateral Development Banks, and move through existing although tricky concepts, such as to Arb-Med and Med-Arb, into the new world of Conflict Avoidance Panels, as exemplified by the Transport for London initiative and the new UK initiative on IT Contracts.

The Evening Seminar will be moderated by KLRCA's Director, Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo and the speakers John Wright and Michael Cover are both be experienced third party neutrals, whose expertise spans the various forms of dispute resolution to be covered. John and Michael are both Members and Directors of ArbDB Chambers, comprising arbitrators, mediators and dispute board members, having offices in London, Dubai and in the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration. The evening will be rounded off by networking refreshments at the KLRCA.

To book your tickets, click here:

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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