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ArbDB Chambers Members Participate In The Chartered Institute Of Arbitrators (CIArb) 2017 Mediation Symposium

9 October 2017

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ArbDB Chambers Members, Tony Marks and Paul Rose, both participated in the CIArb Mediation Symposium 2017. 

Paul Rose co-chaired the CIArb Mediation Symposium 2017 “Mediation in a Changing World – Adding Real Value and Understanding and the Impact of Bias” held at Ashursts, Broadwalk House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG on Wednesday 27 September 2017. 

For the afternoon session, Paul introduced his co-speakers John Howell OBE MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary on Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Anne-Marie Blaney, Solicitor Mediator and past Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Irish Branch. 

The first of those sessions was entitled “A Route Map for Practical Negotiation with a Focus on the Economic Value of Mediation”. John Howell spoke on the changing culture in the UK to accept ADR and also spoke about Network Rail having put out its customer complaints to ADR and that it was looking at ADR in the planning arena. 

Having heard from John Sturrock QC and Kenneth Cloke and Charlie Woods, the Executive Director of the Scottish Universities Institute, in the morning on Cognitive Bias, Paul then gave a talk on game theory used in mediation with the emphasis on zero-sum and non-zero-sum games, giving examples of where cooperation and overlapping interests relate and developing the theme of trust and communication. 

Paul then introduced Anne-Marie Blaney whose talk focussed on corporate ethics and included the social ecosystems of CSR and the sectors of society including ethical guidelines standards, the working party of the Harvard-Kennedy school and also introduced the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed in UN Resolution 17/4 and called UNDGP’s.  She also referred to the UN Global Compact, which is on ethical standards relating to child labour and inhumane conditions in the workplace, and finally commented upon the business and commercial mediation pilot scheme. 

After the teabreak, Paul introduced both workshop sessions with scenarios based on two very different mediations which Paul had undertaken as sub-mediator. 

At the end of the Symposium, Paul summarised the day’s proceedings and, having thanked all the speakers and Ashursts as hosts, invited the attendees to a drinks reception. 

Tony Marks, Chairman of ArbDB Chambers, commented: 

“Paul Rose and I were delighted to have contributed to the CIArb 2017 Mediation Symposium, with Paul as Co-Chair and speaker and me attending as a Delegate and Member of ArbDB Chambers”. 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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