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ArbDB News

ArbDB Member Jane Gunn Chaired The CIArb 11th Mediation Symposium Which Was Held On 12 September 2018 At CMS Offices In Cannon Street.

16 September 2018

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ArbDB member Jane Gunn chaired the CIArb 11th Mediation Symposium which was held on 12 September 2018 at CMS offices in Cannon Street.

Jane also ran a workshop with David Richbell on “What is mastery in mediation and how do you get there?” .  The keynote speaker, Sir Alan Ward,  Chairman of the Civil Mediation Council, spoke about the challenges facing the development of mediation and looked forward to the day when the “A” is removed from “ADR”.

Tony Marks, Chairman of ArbDB, and a delegate at the Symposium, commented: “The Symposium was very successful and well attended. The audience included mediators from Europe, Africa and South East Asia, as well as UK mediators and mediation users. Jane and David’s workshop provided invaluable insights for practising mediators at all levels."

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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