ArbDB News
ArbDB Chambers Members Participate In The International Congress Of Maritime Arbitrators XX In Copenhagen 25- 29 September 2017
21 September 2017
ArbDB Chambers Members, Peter McQueen and Michael Cover, are participating in the International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators XX in Copenhagen
Peter McQueen is the Chair of the Topics and Agenda Committee, which has put together a great programme over the five days of the Congress. ICMA XX is being held in conjunction with The Danish Institute of Arbitration and the Programme, which contains a mixture of plenary and breakout session, covers a wide range of hot topics in international maritime law and arbitration.
Michael is speaking at one of the breakout sessions on Monday afternoon, entitled ‘Dispute Resolution Clauses’, which is to be moderated by Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo, the Director of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration. Michael will be addressing the topic ‘Combined Dispute Resolution Processes- Trends and Challenges- Heresy or what the Market Might Want?’