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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Members Participate In Asia ADR Week In Kuala Lumpur

21 May 2018


ArbDB Members, John Wright, Paul Rose and George Grant, and Clerk to Chambers, Martin Poulter, all attended Asia ADR Week, which ran from 5-7 May 2018 at the Asian International Arbitration Centre in Kuala Lumpur. This event, of which ArbDB Chambers was one of the sponsors, also saw the official launch of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), formerly the Kuala Lumpur Regional Arbitration Centre or KLRCA.

The event covered such topics as “ADR in a changing world: the Asian experience”, the unveiling of the amendments to the Malaysian Arbitration Act 2005 and a separate session on adjudication. The opening session on the first day set the scene, with contributions from representatives of industries including oil & gas, construction and transportation and banking and infrastructure finance, was moderated by Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo, the Director of the AIAC.

ArbDB Chambers Member, Paul Rose, spoke at the session on “Tomorrow’s Methods: Holistic Resolution of Conflicts and Dispute Avoidance”, and his contribution was well received.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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