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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Members Attend And Speak At The 2018 Beijing International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) Scottish Arbitration Centre (SAC) Edinburgh Summit On Commercial Dispute Resolution In China

26 June 2018

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ArbDB Chambers Members, Wolf von Kumberg and Michael Cover, attended this event, held at the SAC in Edinburgh on Friday 22 June 2018.

The event was attended by a mix of Chinese, Scottish and English lawyers together with arbitrators and mediators.

The event was based on the recently-published report, “Commercial Dispute Resolution in China: an Annual Review and Preview (2018)”.

Wolf was a commentator on Session II, “The Overview of Commercial Mediation Practice in the PRC”, which explored the growing use of mediation as a dispute resolution tool in the PRC”.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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