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ArbDB News

ArbDB, The Arbitration, Mediation And Dispute Board Chambers, Now Has Five Members Accepting Dispute Board Appointments

19 June 2013


ArbDB now has three Accredited Dispute Board Members, with John Wright and Murray Armes included on the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators, and John Wright and Michael Cover included on the RICS List of Accredited Dispute Board Members. This brings to five the number of Members of ArbDB accepting instructions in this area, with experienced construction lawyers, John Redmond and Jonathan Tecks,  also extremely active. John Wright has also been included on the International Who’s Who of Construction Lawyers 2013, his fourth year of being included in this listing. 

Martin Poulter, the recently-appointed Clerk to ArbDB, the Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Board Chambers, commented: 'We are very pleased that we are able to offer five Members of Chambers as Dispute Board Members, from more than one professional discipline and with a range of both Common Law and Civil Law experience and expertise. We are also delighted with John Wright’s recognition in the International Who’s Who of Construction Lawyers 2013.'

John Wright and Michael Cover are also both Certified Adjudicators by the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration for adjudications under the Malaysian Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act. 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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