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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Member, Mark Appel, Trains Mediators In Saudi Arabia

17 November 2017


ArbDB Chambers Member, Mark Appel, has been training new mediators in Saudi Arabia. Training was provided in cooperation with the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, under the auspices of the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA).   SCCA has made significant investments in the training of arbitrators and mediators in the Kingdom. Lasting three days, this well-received course was conducted in Arabic and English, and was completed by 30 lawyers.

This is an interesting development for ArbDB Chambers, in view of the further professionalisation of ADR since the launch of the SCCA in October 2016, recent developments and the opportunities that these present.

ArbDB Chambers already has an office in the region in Dubai, where Member, George Grant, is based and Members Michael Cover, John Wright, Paul Rose and George recently attended Dubai Arbitration Week, together with our Clerk, Martin Poulter.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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