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ArbDB News

Launch Of Commercial Mediation Group 31 January 2012

29 January 2012

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The launch event of the Commercial Mediation Group took place on 31 January 2012. The Group is a representative forum for commercial users of mediation, and aims to provide a policy platform for consultations relating to mediation reform. This initiative was sparked by the recent EU Directive on mediation, as well as recent discussion concerning the introduction of a new mediation practice direction to the Civil Procedure Rules.   

The launch event was attended by lawyers from the City’s top law firms, in-house counsel from leading corporate and public bodies, with mediators, the bar, and members of the judiciary. One of the primary purposes of the launch event was to discuss results of the CMG survey on topical mediation issues - the survey aims to compare and contrast the views of mediators, and mediation users, in several important areas. Issues include whether mediators should take an interventionist role in mediations, whether litigation solicitors are viewed as an impediment to the mediation process, and whether mediators’ fees should be linked to the outcome of a mediation. 

A copy of their mission statement reads: 

Commercial Mediation Group 

Mission statement 

Status:  An affiliation of legal professionals, including solicitors in private practice and in-house counsel, who act as advisers in relation to the resolution of commercial disputes through mediation ("Commercial Mediation"). 
Objective:  To promote the interests of the users of Commercial Mediation, including companies, financial institutions and public bodies, in all aspects of the current and future development of the law, standards and practice of mediation with a view to, amongst other things:

•    improving service standards between Commercial Mediation users, mediators and service providers; 
•    assisting the development of mediation practices to suit the needs of Commercial Mediation users; and 
•    providing a voice to respond to consultations and issues of importance to the users of Commercial Mediation. 

See  for further details. 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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