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ArbDB News

John Wright, Has Been Awarded The Status Of Chartered Arbitrator By The Chartered Institute Of Arbitrators

5 April 2017

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ArbDB Chambers is pleased to announce that one of its founder members, John Wright, has been awarded the status of Chartered Arbitrator by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (“CIArb”). In doing so John joins fellow ArbDB members Stephen Bate, Tony Canham, Michael Cover, John Redmond, Paul Rose and Jonathan Tecks as having achieved this status. As the CIArb states on its website:


“As a Chartered Arbitrator is a Fellow of the CIArb you will have demonstrated your knowledge, skills, attitude and experience of arbitration and its practical application.

A Chartered Arbitrator is who has demonstrated to an interview panel advanced knowledge and understanding of arbitration and its practical application, evidencing a professional approach to parties and the public interest.”


ArbDB Chambers is delighted now to have amongst its ranks seven members who have achieved this highly respected status.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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