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ArbDB News

John Trotter FCIArb And Dr Chris McArdle FCIArb Join ArbDB, The Arbitration, Mediation And Dispute Board Chambers

5 May 2014


John Trotter FCIArb and Dr Chris McArdle PhD, MBA, FCIArb, FIET, CEng  have both accepted invitations to become Members of ArbDB, the Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Board Chambers.


John is a former Solicitor and senior disputes partner at Lovells, now accepting appointments as an arbitrator, with great experience in insurance and re-insurance and other commercial disputes. He is a former Chair of the IBA Insurance Committee and has long experience of professional indemnity coverage and negligence claims and disciplinary matters for both lawyers and accountants. He also has worked extensively in disputes in the automotive and other manufacturing industries.


Chris is a Chartered Engineer and Accredited Mediator and established expert witness in IP and IT and high volume manufacturing matters, now also practising independently as an arbitrator and mediator. He is the current Chairman of the Academy of Experts and has wide experience in arbitration and mediation of disputes in electronics, microelectronics and IT.


Tony Marks, Chairman of ArbDB, commented: ‘We are delighted to welcome John Trotter and Chris McArdle to ArbDB and to our group of independent neutrals. We look forward to them bringing and further developing their third party neutral practices and working with our Clerk, Martin Poulter, and the other Members of Chambers.’


For further information, please contact the Clerk to ArbDB, the Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Board Chambers, Martin Poulter on or +44 (0)203 514 9020 or+44 (0)207 583 1001.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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