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ArbDB News
ArbDB Chambers Member, Jane Gunn, To Take Up Appointment As The Chair Of The Board Of Management Of The Chartered Institute Of Arbitrators (CIArb)
6 December 2016
ArbDB Chambers Member, Jane Gunn, has been appointed as the Chair of the Board of Management of the CIArb. The Board of Management is appointed annually by the Board of Trustees of the CIArb and, amongst other things, oversees the day-to-day management of the CIArb and ensures that the CIArb’s Executive and various Committees function efficiently in accordance with the policies set by the Board of Trustees of the CIArb. Jane will take over her role on 1 January 2017. She will succeed another ArbDB Member, Wolf von Kumberg.
ArbDB Chair, Tony Marks, commented: ‘ We are delighted that Jane Gunn will be taking over as the Chair of the Board of Management of the CIArb in January 2017 and wish Jane well in her new role’
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