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ArbDB News

ArbDB Members Contribute To The International Mediation Institute Competency Criteria For Investor-State Mediators

27 September 2016

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ArbDB Members, Wolf von Kumberg, Mark Appel and Michael Cover, have contributed to the recently-published International Mediation Institute (IMI) Competency Criteria for Investor-State Mediators. These criteria can be viewed at .


There is a growing interest in mediation as a means of resolving investor-state disputes and much of this interest has come from states, which are beginning to recognise that mediation is a very useful tool in resolving both investor-state and state-state disputes. Wolf is a Director of IMI and Mark, formerly Senior Vice President of AAA/ICDR, is an Honorary Director of IMI and the Chair of the IMI Investor State Taskforce.


The ArbDB Members have also been involved with the Energy Charter Secretariat in the shaping of the International Energy Charter Guide on Investment Mediation, which has recently been adopted by the Energy Charter Conference and there are plans for further mediation awareness training with the Energy Charter Secretariat in the New Year.


ArbDB Member, Wolf von Kumberg commented: “ Mark Appel, Michael Cover and I are delighted to be involved with these two linked initiatives to bring mediation into the resolution of investor-state and energy disputes and to develop a pool of experienced mediators in these areas.”’

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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