ArbDB News
Next Meeting Of The Mediators' New Breakfast Club- Wednesday 10 July 2013 At 0800 For 0830
19 June 2013
Michael Cover, a Member of ArbDB, the Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Board Chambers, is delighted to announce that the next meeting of The Mediators' New Breakfast Club will be held on Wednesday 10 July 2013. As usual, the timing is 0800 for 0830 and the venue is the Punch Tavern, 99 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DE; the speaker is distinguished mediator, Stephen Ruttle QC. He will be speaking on 'Towards a Community Peace Service- Using Commercial Mediators to help deliver the Vision'. There will be plenty of time for networking before and after the more formal part of the event. The cost, to cover coffee/ tea and pastries, is £5, payable in cash on the day.
Numbers are limited, so, if you would like to attend, please email Dave Owen of Pengaron Mediation Services Limited on asap. Attendance counts 1 CPD Point towards the CMC’s requirements.