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ArbDB News

ArbDB Members Take Part In Dispute Board Awareness Training At The Chartered Institute Of Arbitrators

10 October 2016

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ArbDB Members, John Wright, Wolf von Kumberg, Mark Appel and Michael Cover acted as the faculty at a day of Dispute Board Awareness Training at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) in London on 6 October 2016. The Course was an introduction to the Dispute Board Process and covered distinguishing the dispute board process from other conflict/ dispute resolution processes, drafting the tripartite dispute board agreement, selecting the members of the Dispute Board and a session bringing the Dispute Board to Life. The programme was rounded off by a session led by Les Mosco, a former Commercial Director of the UK Ministry of Defence, on The Dispute Board- an Ideal Tool for Government.

The programme had a particular focus on the use of Dispute Boards on non-construction related projects, such as IT, outsourcing and procurement contracts. This was all in the context of the recently-promulgated CIArb Dispute Board Rules

ArbDB Chairman, Tony Marks, commented: ‘We were delighted to have the opportunity to present this programme and to seek to raise the awareness of and familiarity with Dispute Boards, particularly in the non-construction area. We will be looking to plan further programmes with the CIArb and other leading institutions, including in the Middle East and Asia’.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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