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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Welcomes The Amendment Of Article 257 Of The UAE Penal Code So As To Remove Criminal Sanctions Against Arbitrators

19 December 2018

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ArbDB Chambers has welcomed the promulgation of the amendment to the UAE, so as to remove the possibility of criminal sanctions against arbitrators who might act contrary to ‘fairness and unbiasedness’. The provision had also applied to experts and the like and this has now been amended so as to impact only judicial-appointed experts, translators and investigators who confirm a matter to be true when they know the truth about it is the opposite. This, as a result, no longer affects party-appointed experts.

ArbDB Chambers, which has a presence in the UAE and is a regular contributor to arbitration and ADR practice in the region, commented through ArbDB Chambers Member, John Wright: “ We welcome these clarifications which shows the UAE Government’s support for the arbitral process and the Region as a thriving centre for arbitration and other forms of ADR. When this is considered in tandem with the introduction of the new Arbitration Law in the UAE in May 2018, this gives a great boost to the UAE as a seat for international arbitration in the Region.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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