ArbDB News
ArbDB Chambers and the current world situation
16 April 2020
Dear Colleagues and Friends
ArbDB Chambers and the current world situation
All of us at ArbDB Chambers hope that you are all safe and well.
We are still able to act as arbitrators, mediators, adjudicators and dispute board members. Whilst we are all working from our homes in various locations in Europe, the UAE and elsewhere, we have been conducting mediations and arbitration preliminary meetings and hearings via Zoom and documents-only arbitrations and adjudications. Our Clerk, Martin Poulter, is also working from home and is fully-operational. His contact details are , if you have any queries or concerns on existing or new cases. Our website shows our wide range of third party neutral professionals
We look forward to continuing to serve our clients and contacts and the appointing institutions and assisting in the avoidance and resolution of differences and disputes in these challenging times.
Best wishes
The Directors and Members of ArbDB Chambers.
John Wright, Tony Marks, Michael Cover
Mark Appel, Stephen Bate, Sheila Bates, Andrew Burr, Tony Canham, Anthony Fincham, George Grant, Jane Gunn, Chris McArdle, Peter McQueen, John Redmond, Paul Rose, Robert Sliwinski