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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Members Participate In The Annual Dispute Resolution Symposium Of The Worshipful Company Of Arbitrators (WCA)

14 December 2016


ArbDB Members, Dr Chris McArdle, Paul Rose and Michael Cover, and Clerk to Chambers, Martin Poulter, all attended the Annual Dispute Resolution Symposium of the WCA, ‘Dispute Resolution- develop your practice’, which was held at Keating Chambers in Essex Street, London WC2 on Tuesday 6 December 2016.

The Moderator of the Symposium was Mrs Justice O’Farrell of Keating Chambers and four panels tackled subjects ranging from Arbitral Institutions to Mediation and Pupillage and from International Arbitration to Disputes Boards, Adjudication and the Civil Law. Speakers came from leading appointing institutions, including the CIArb, the ICC, CEDR, the LCIA, the Academy of Experts and RICS. Dr Chris McArdle and Michael Cover each led one of the panels.

The Symposium was in an interactive ‘Tylney Hall’ format and the panels responded to questions already tabled by the audience and there was a lively debate on how to develop and ADR practice as a third party neutral and how to grow the overall market. The Symposium was rounded off with a cocktail kindly hosted by Keating Chambers.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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