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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Member, Wolf Von Kumberg, Invited To Attend The SCC Centennial Celebrating The 100th Year Anniversary Of The Arbitration Institute Of The Stockholm Chamber Of Commerce

31 January 2017


ArbDB Chambers Member, Wolf von Kumberg, was invited to attend the SCC Centennial Event in Stockholm on Thursday 19th and Friday the 20th January 2017, titled “Arbitrating for Peace”. Wolf also attended the Gala Dinner and the Forum the next day. There were approximately 700 guests and a Film produced by the SCC entitled “The Quiet Triumph- How Arbitration Changed the World”, demonstrating how arbitration is capable of promoting peace on many levels, including in State to State relationships. There is a link to the event here 

Wolf commented: “I was privileged to attend this SCC Centennial event. People generally know nothing about the role that arbitration, mediation and conciliation play in resolving international disputes of all kinds. Given ArbDB Chambers’ push for Investor-State Mediation, this was a timely reminder that there are many peaceful options for bringing disputes to a resolution with the involvement of independent third party neutrals”.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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