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ArbDB News
ArbDB Member, Wolf Von Kumberg, Speaks At The 6th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference On 13 October 2016 In Prague
7 November 2016
ArbDB Member, Wolf von Kumberg received an excellent reception at the 6th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference in Prague, where he spoke about the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) Mediation Guide and the International Mediation Institute (IMI) Investor-State (IS) Mediator Standards. The Conference was sponsored by the Czech Ministry of Finance and was by invitation only, largely to States.
Wolf commented: ‘The audience was enthusiastic about the initiative and the question was what are the next steps to get States to implement this mediation initiative. My ArbDB colleagues, Mark Appel, Michael Cover, and I are working with the ECT Secretariat further to promote the Mediation Guide amongst States.
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